The buildup of gases in the stomach is an annoying and common ailment that can hinder the development of a normal life.
For this reason, today we will share some practical tricks that can be implemented to help alleviate these troublesome symptoms.
What Are Gases and Why Do They Occur?
Gases are excessive accumulations of air in our intestines, which can lead to severe pain and a lot of discomfort, even causing nausea. In addition to these common symptoms, we may also experience colic, inflammation, or burning.
Among the causes of gases, some are due to bad habits that could be easily modified, but there are also a series of conditions that may possibly require medical monitoring and specific treatment.
Among the most common causes of gases, we can mention:
- Rapid consumption of food, with eagerness or while talking, will result in increased air intake, which will favor the appearance of gases.
- Not chewing properly.
- Eating foods that are hard to digest, such as those with a high fiber content, non-skimmed dairy products, legumes, etc.
- Drinking carbonated beverages.
- Making drastic changes in our daily diet, resulting in alterations to our intestinal flora.
- Suffering from intolerances to certain foods.
- Being under antibiotic treatment.
- Suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, celiac disease, constipation, gastritis, etc.
We must keep in mind that, although there are ways to address this problem, one should consult a doctor if it becomes a recurring situation and more intense symptoms occur, such as vomiting, constipation, fever, or diarrhea.
Recommended Positions and Exercises

There are different body positions that can help us eliminate gases quickly and effectively. Adopting the correct body posture will not only promote their expulsion but also reduce abdominal inflammation and strengthen the muscles responsible for our digestion.
You should position yourself face down, supporting your palms on the ground at shoulder height. At the same time, stretch your torso and bring your head backward, pressing the ground with your pubic bone.
In this case, you should lie down on your back and bring one knee toward your chest, which you will hold and press against your chest with both hands. At the same time, bring your head toward the knee you are holding and flexed. You should hold your breath while performing this position for ten to twenty seconds.
To perform this position, you should also lie down on your back. Keep your feet and legs together and lift them toward your head, trying to position them above it, so the tips of your toes touch the ground.
In addition to these three positions, there are other types of exercises that promote the elimination of gases.
Some of them include:
- Squats, as when done correctly, they exert pressure on the stomach.
- The child's pose, which, by relaxing the thighs and lower back, encourages slow breathing and gas circulation. You should kneel with your legs together on the floor and stretch forward until your forehead touches the ground. Your knees should be slightly apart, and your torso should rest on your legs.
- Sitting and bending forward, which puts pressure on the abdomen and can release gas. In this case, you will sit normally and stretch your legs and arms forward, trying to touch the tips of your toes.
- Apanasana, a posture that moves energy downward. Lie on your back and bend your knees at a right angle of ninety degrees. You should hold this position for fifteen to sixty seconds.
- Massages that stimulate the gallbladder and liver, improving blood circulation in the abdomen. Additionally, with heat and touch, muscles relax, and intestinal activity is enhanced.
To complement all of this, we can incorporate a dietary supplement into our daily routine to help combat this annoying condition.
This is the case with Inner Cure from Matcha & CO, which is developed by microbiome experts and supports your digestive system, immune system, and mood. This formula is designed to improve bloating, intestinal discomfort, intestinal flora, and defenses.