The fall of hair or alopecia can be frustrating for both men and women. The more hair loss, the harder it is to accept; the good news is that there is almost always a reason that can be remedied (or at least help reduce hair loss).
The origin of hair loss can be attributed to one or several factors, including stress, sudden weight loss, or poor nutrition.
Do you think you're losing more hair than usual?
A curious fact that many people probably don't know is that it's normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day. Even in winter, this number may slightly increase, and there's no need to be alarmed. If you start noticing that you're losing more hair than usual, it's ideal to consult a dermatologist.
Before considering possible treatments, we need to assess whether we're dealing with physiological hair loss or a pathological case, meaning it's a symptom of an illness or disorder. Below, we'll look at some of the most common causes.
Physical or Emotional Stress
A situation of stress or physical trauma (for example, an accident) can lead to hair loss. In these cases, treatment is usually not necessary, as it may resolve over time. It's recommended to prioritize a good diet, exercise, and, if possible, avoid stressful situations.
Hereditary Factors
In these cases, it's called androgenetic alopecia, which usually starts in one's 20s or 30s. The hair becomes sparser and finer, and it becomes more noticeable on the top of the head. Although androgenetic alopecia can also be due to hormonal factors.
Hormonal Changes
A very common cause of hair loss in women. During pregnancy, estrogen levels (hormones that keep hair in the growth phase) increase. During this stage, some women may notice an increase in hair thickness and growth. After childbirth, hormone levels drop, and hair loss may occur in the following months. It's normal for the hair cycle to recover once this period has passed.
Changing birth control pills or discontinuing them can also directly affect hair loss. In these cases, it's best to consult a gynecologist. Hormonal changes during menopause can also cause the same effect.
Diet and Nutrients
A poor diet with a lack of essential nutrients can lead to hair loss and reduced density. Most of the time, this is due to a deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals, primarily due to iron deficiency. It's important to consult a specialist who can recommend the best treatment for each case, both for maintaining a healthy diet and caring for your hair.
An inadequate diet, even some 'miracle diets' designed for rapid weight loss, can be very detrimental to health and can also cause hair loss.
There are various nutrients that promote hair health, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, copper, zinc, biotin, or folic acid. There are supplements that can help prevent hair loss, but it's advisable to maintain a diet that includes these nutrients naturally.
Vitamins for Hair
Dietary supplements for hair are a great help in incorporating all these nutrients and vitamins if we have deficiencies in our diet. A good example is Hair & Nails from Matcha & CO, specifically designed to prevent hair loss, strengthen hair and nails, and increase density, volume, and shine. It's a multivitamin complex combined with Biotin, L-Cystine, Minerals, Iron, and Matcha. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D3, and E.
Matcha tea is rich in catechins, which help reduce dihydrotestosterone (DHT), responsible for hair loss. It strengthens hair roots (follicles) and improves hair hydration, reducing split ends. Matcha also strengthens and eliminates yellowing of the nails.